Friday, January 30, 2009

I've got an uncontrollable urge....yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah YEAAHH!

So guess what? Horacio and I are moving to Austin, TX next year. We're coming out with this information now. I really, really wanna be a teacher in a low-income area because it's what I love doing. Really truly. As unexpected as it was..sometimes you fall into love without knowing you will.

Horacio, anyone?

Here's one of our first photos ever taken together.

How could we not be a match made in......France?


Thursday, January 29, 2009

A strip through time....


Taken at the Beauty Bar--Austin, TX. Oct. 2008

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So I finally figured out how to blog...

Thanks to Abby of course =) So this is my first post and my post rocks hard. You'll be hearing a lot more from the other end of this outfit from now on. Loves, H

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So Horacio and I have planned a little trip to NYC this late February. We are hoping to just have one of those free and easy devil-may-care weekends, but knowing me, I'll want to at least plan a few things, get some maps, hotel addresses, etc.

All I mainly want to do is just see, walk, take pictures and fantasize, but if anyone out there has some fantastic ideas or must-do outings in mind for us, let me know.

(Also accepting tips on not to get killed, robbed, screwed, fleeced, and other normal traveling qualms.)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

6 days til....

Inauguration! I cannot wait nor even begin to anticipate all the good that will come....