Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So Horacio and I have planned a little trip to NYC this late February. We are hoping to just have one of those free and easy devil-may-care weekends, but knowing me, I'll want to at least plan a few things, get some maps, hotel addresses, etc.

All I mainly want to do is just see, walk, take pictures and fantasize, but if anyone out there has some fantastic ideas or must-do outings in mind for us, let me know.

(Also accepting tips on not to get killed, robbed, screwed, fleeced, and other normal traveling qualms.)


Stylish Intellect said...

Hahaha, you definitely won't get robbed or killed or anything of the sort! I feel safer here than I did in Minneapolis by far! As far as what to do- you really need to just walk! I would start down by pier 17 and weave your way on up. Just don't go into the 100's because you'll start getting into Harlem. Unless you're into that sort of thing... I really think you'll enjoy Soho and the East Village, and most of the Lower East Side... they are very artsy and fun places to just walk, and you can even find some "thrift" stores.

p.s.- just a friendly reminder. DO NOT stop and stand in the middle of the sidewalk! Take time to step into a doorway or something or you will get run over :)

MacKenzie said...

"just don't go to harlem, unless you're into that sort of thing"

What does this person mean by "that sort of thing?" Black people? I live in Harlem and it's a fine place to be and explore.

We went to this cool venue last night called "the cake shop" I think you would like it. If there's a good show playing while you're here I could take you and H there. Keep me updated!

Stylish Intellect said...
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Anonymous said...

whoa! mac! when does "that sort of thing" mean "black people?" a little quick on the whole race card eh? calm down.

manhattan itself will be plenty to take in! you can take the staten island ferry which is recommended! its free runs often and you get a great view of the city and the statue of liberty.


MacKenzie said...

I just thought the comment sounded kind of ignorant and I'm not saying anyone is racist. (I apologize if it came out that way). I totally understand that Harlem isn't the most trendy place to hang out. But don't you sort of see how saying "Just don't go into the 100s because you'll start getting into Harlem. Unless you're into that sort of thing" could sound a bit offensive to someone who is from Harlem? It just reminds me of those tourist maps that only go up to 100th street.

I'm sure you were just trying to give Abby good suggestions on where to explore and I think your ideas for visiting East Village and Lower East Side are excellent. I too love those areas.

Sorry to start blog drama.